Friday, May 23, 2008

1059 - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

If you've been reading this blog at all you know that I've been gearing up for this movie for the last little bit, rewatching the old films (could never get into the Young Indy tv series), humming the song almost non-stop, etc... I have to say that the only problem that I had leading up to this film was all the people that were just waiting for it to be bad, the people who weren't going to like it just because it plan and simply existed. The haters. You know if you're one of them.
I won't go into too much detail because I don't want to spoil anything, but if you're looking for a fun popcorn flick, you've found it. Were there over-the-top moments? Shit yes. But that's nothing new for Indy. You're not going into this film wondering if he's going to make it out alive or not, it's not that kind of film and I think you know it going in.
Marion's back, and my only complaint is that I wish she got to show off her distinct personality a bit more. It's not that she doesn't have a function in the plot, it's just that she's just such a unique character, but she's not used to her fullest abilities.
The theme of this film is returning. Returning us to an Indy film. My favorite thing about this film, and I don't think I'm ruining anything, isn't that Indy is looking for something, but he's trying to return something - which I thought was unique to the series, and I really enjoyed it. You get a little more detail on some of Indy's past through conversations with other characters, again I won't ruin the fun for you.
Speilberg has said in the past that he had seen this series as five films. I for one would enjoy another outing, especially if I think it's going to be a passing the torch film.
When I re-watch this on DVD I'll comment more indepth on some of the specific details I liked, but for now I'll just let you know that it's well worth the price of admission.

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