Monday, August 18, 2008

1108 - Planet Terror

After watching the shit fest that was Death Proof I had lowered my expectations completely prior to watching this, which was the perfect way to watch it since it ended up blowing me away. In a film that was meant to be kind of a throw-away, Rodriguez flexes his creative muscle to the hilt, where in QT's outing, he just spit out some more dialogue. The difference in the two films is embarrassing. This is the kind of film that makes you wonder the the fuck Rose McGowan isn't a super-star yet. She's gorgeous, smart, and funny as hell. I've had a crush on her since I first saw her in Scream many years ago. Here's hoping that we see a lot more of her in years to come. She deserves it. I'm looking forward to diving into the special features on this disc. Unlike the other Grindhouse feature I could see myself revisiting it for McGowan's performance alone. Really stellar, great fun.

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