Thursday, September 10, 2009


So here we are. Fifteen days later. Officially wrapped on my first feature film. Huh. This has been a long road, and I know we’re not off it yet. There’s still many things to do with this film, but the major hurdle has been crossed. We shot the film. And we shot it on our terms, with our people. We did good.

Over the years that we’ve been trying to get this film made I’ve been offered money to sell it, but I stood firm that I would be the only person directing this film, and I’m glad I did that. I’m not saying that someone else couldn’t have made this film. I’m sure they could have – but I’m glad that it was me. It feels right.

So where do I start with the love fest? I suppose with the people whom this film wouldn’t have existed otherwise – our crew. We really lucked out in this department. A lot of people I’ve already worked with in the past, but there was a lot of new people and in positions I haven’t worked with professionally. It’s amazing how effective it is to have individual departments working and thinking on things that free you up to be creative. In no particular order…

Having never worked with a costume designer I was lucky that we were able to get Ginger Martini to lend her eye to this film. There’s a distinction to each of the characters and some fun stuff going on that I hope people really enjoy.

Having had nothing but bad experiences in the past with make-up artists, I was overjoyed to have met Maggie Quioc last winter. She approached every day with zest and joy (and an ever growing baby in her belly).

Running our sets and sharing rides with me was Mark Huisman, my 1st AD. I didn’t know Mark well moving into this project, and he really came on at the last minute to save our ass. Traditionally an actor, Mark was a delight to have on set. Having barely ever worked with an AD before, Mark was perfect. Never forceful, but always thoughtful. We made all of our days and that’s no small feat. I’ll miss my rides to and from set with Mark. Our 2nd AD was Tim Symons whom I met when I taught first year film production for a semester at Niagara College. Tim is ridiculously smart and caring. An asset to the production in many ways, and a talented writer in his own right. We’ll probably all be working for him one day.

Another first for me was working with a proper script supervisor, in this case - Jen O’Sullivan. I’ve worked with script supervisors as an editor before, but as someone who edits their own stuff that they direct, it was really helpful to have Jen there to help convey my thoughts as a director to my thoughts as an editor. Jen and I bonded over our love of music, and my need to read more books. She’s lovely and I hope to keep working with her in the future. Also a shout-out is deserved to my man Forbes, Jen’s shadow who filled in for a few days. An energetic lovely guy.

Our Art Department is second to none. Seriously. From the ground up with Ryan Grani working his ass off wherever he could, to the delicious Drew Lint who carried out every zany idea anyone had with his own flair, to the lovely Meaghan Lynch whom I adore more than I can express. This is the second time I’ve worked with Meaghan as my production designer and it won’t be the last, not even close. My favorite thing about Meaghan is how excited she gets about things, and how her excitement and creativity often trumps my own in certain situations. Meaghan makes stuff better and that’s what you want. I’ll miss her presence now that we’re wrapped.

This film would be nothing without our camera and lighting department, from Mark ‘Special K’ Lammert, to the brilliant Ann Tipper (whom put up with far more friendly abuse from me that she should have). But the main team behind this film were Zach Melnick and Yvonne Drebert, two of my closest friends dating all the way back to high school. Technicians, artists, and filmmakers in their own right, Zach and Yvonne care more than anyone else about the work they do and it’s that kind of anal retentive behavior that will make this as good as it is. I could not have made this film without these two. That’s just a fact.

And last but certainly not least is Anthony Grani. I know he’ll never admit this, but this film wouldn’t have been made if it wasn’t for his passion and dedication to the project. In fact it was because of this script that Anthony and I met, and if I’m honest, no matter what happens with this film in the end, the best thing so far has been the friendship I’ve gained with him because of it. Everything else will be icing on the vegan cake that is Anthony Grani.

So now to our actors. I gush over all our actors, because they’re all gush-worthy, but there’s only two left to go on and on about. Although I do need to give a big thanks to Christine Horne for making a special guest appearance via speaker phone tonight, and she even abandoned a dinner party momentarily to do so.

Mary Krohnert has been with this project about as long as anyone. She is Sam. After the first reading of the film there was no doubt in my mind that it was her. And it makes me happy to have made this film with her. I said a while back in this blog that if anything comes of this, I hope it’s that people see how beautiful of an actor Mary is, and I mean that. She deserves it more than anyone.

Last, my lead, my Paul Shepard, Kris Holden-Reid. I never actually thought we had a real shot at getting Kris for this movie, so big props to him for seeing what he did in the material and for trusting in a first time feature director to carry it out. Working with Kris has been a delight and a wonderful experience, and I look forward to a repeat performance. He brought so much to this character and to this film. I never had anyone in mind for Paul when writing this, and I can honestly say that I can’t imagine anyone else in this part now. Thank you for rocking so hard, Kris.

So that’s the love-fest. Wrap party this weekend. I’ll take some pics and post them up. I’m going to disappear into the country at some point next week so there won’t be any updates for a while when that happens. I’ll keep an editing journal to help quench all your creative thirsts.

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