Sunday, February 21, 2010

1318 - The Nines

John August isn't someone I follow. I used to read his blog from time to time, but I haven't in years. To me he's just one of those screenwriters that exist amongst the pack. This isn't meant to say I don't like his stuff. I think it was just that I felt with the first film I saw of his "Go!" I just felt like he so badly wanted to try and make something as hip as Pulp Fiction that it got in his way. And now with this, he's still doing the clever pop culture thing as well as throwing QT's name right in there with the rest. And here's the irony - he's done more interesting and more thoughtful things in this one film than all of Tarantino's combined. And now, I'm not suggesting that Tarantino isn't a talented filmmaker - far from it. I just think that he does what he does - and he does it well. He aims for a certain mark and hits it spot on. Nothing wrong with that.
So now to this film. It's one of those ones that I've been well aware of but knowing it's risky premise I've never picked it up - now I wish I had. It starts off shaking and just on the verge of being a bit on the nose pretentious - but then it shifts into this really lovely second act and ending with a very satisfying conclusion. It's not a perfect film, but it's a lot of fun and it leaves you with stuff to chew on. It's a pretty heavy commentary on art Vs. artist, creator Vs. the created. And the cast is pretty great, even when chewing through some of the more expository sections. This film isn't for everyone, that's for sure - but it's worth watching if you're at all interested.

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