Thursday, February 25, 2010

Supreme Power #1

Holy shit was this good. Look at that super-pissed kid in the American flag. Goddamn. This series came out of nowhere and just knocked my socks off. It follows a completely new set of superheroes, but to be fair it's Marvel's way of messing around with the Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc... origins... They take some fantastic and brilliant liberties and I love it. Imagine if when Ma & Pa Kent discovered the baby in the crashed space ship, that moments later the military showed up and decided that it was in the countries best interest to raise the child themselves. And they do - they try to condition him to become a superhero for the country, but they do so by lying to him his entire life. And then he finds out.
And. It's. Awesome!
And that's just the one character. What they do with their Wonder Woman character "Power Princess" is just really clever, and I'm sure got a lot of fellow geeks excited. I'll ruin this one little bit - she wakes up in a cave as a haggard old woman whose been biding her time for centuries, and then BAM - she becomes Megan Fox (essentially) and walks around naked. Why? Because it's gratuitous? Maybe a little. But she does it because she can. Because she wants to. And no one is going to goddamn stop her.
God damn this would make a great film. It's dark and real and gritty and fantastic. The writing here is very very sharp and continues to expand on the mentality of troubled superheroes that so many people are covering these days. My only hope is that this series continues to be amazing and that it hasn't already peaked. This got me excited about superheroes in a way that I'm not sure I ever have been before. I liked The Ultimates. But I love Supreme Power. Please oh please continue to be awesome. Please!

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