Friday, April 16, 2010

1333 - Sex and Death 101

So I've been a horrible film-geek recently. I blame it on the fact that I've been using all my spare time to write - which is going, I believe, quite well. Although after a long day I thought I'd dig into my stack of films. This one has been on my "I'm curious" list for quite some time. It's got a really great premise in a guy who, a week before his wedding, finds a list of every woman he'll ever sleep with - and he's not even half-way through the list.
Simon Baker isn't the best choice for this lead role. He's got the look and has a few nice moments, but ultimately he lacks the chemistry needed. The emotional arc of the film is fairly stagnant. Which is a shame.
Although when Ryder and Baker finally share a scene together it fucking pops. It's amazing and makes you wonder why the rest of the film is merely okay. It's a really clever premise with a 'meh' execution. Shame, really.

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