Friday, May 28, 2010

The Sandman Vol 1: Preludes and Nocturnes

So it took me a LONG time to get through this book. Partly because I've been busy, my commute to the new edit suite is a bit shorter, and because... it took me a while to get into it. I probably could have put it down about a third of a way into it. But I said to myself, "Self. There are ten volumes in this series. There has to be a reason for that. Give it at least two volumes before giving up on it." And while I'm not completely on board with it, it definitely picked up steam. (*SPOILER AHEAD) There is some wonderfully disturbing stuff in this book, but the most of all is with Sandman's sister Death, when she reaches into a cradle, carefully picks up a baby and the baby asks, "But... is that all there was? Is that all I get?" And she kindly replies, "Yes, I'm afraid so." As a new parent, that's the kind of stuff that stops me cold with the shivers. It's so simple and so delicately done, and for me it completely eclipses the more grotesque things that happen just prior to it.
I've been loaned the first three volumes of this, so I'll probably get through at LEAST those before making a decision to read the whole series or not. I've still got a stack of my own stuff to read, and I desperately want to re-read the Scott Pilgrim before the last book comes out. Ahh, time management.
So it's hard for me to say if I recommend this or not. It doesn't seem to have a real form or structure - which may be wonderfully refreshing - or wonderfully frustrating. Stand by...


  1. Preludes and Nocturnes is not the strongest of the collections. A Doll's House will get you really going, though.

  2. Actually, come to think of it, I read A Doll's House first and then went back and read Preludes. I think that's maybe the best way to read them.

  3. I'm halfway through Doll's House, and I agree 100%. I think I had to realize that Sandman is never the main character (which may be incorrect in future volumes) and that he's always just supporting.

    Either way - I'm really enjoying Doll's House.
