Wednesday, June 02, 2010

New Music Suggestions?

As some of you know I had a burglary in the winter, and with it I lost my computer, which housed probably over ten thousand songs that I'd collected over the years. Just before that I'd decided to give away a lot of our physical CDs to goodwill because they're just taking up space and we more or less just plug my iPhone into whatever stereo device we have and listen from that.
And I had the music backed up on a harddrive. Which was also stolen.
So since then I've pretty much just been listening to what was on my iPod already in fear of it getting all erased when I plugged it into my computer. With that fear subsiding I'm getting pretty damn tired of having had listened to the same music for the last... six months... geez... has it really been that long?!

I've got a bunch of iTunes gift cards burning a whole in my wallet - so any suggestions would be great - full albums, individual songs. I've been out of the music loop for awhile. So please, friends. Help me to be hip again.

1 comment:

  1. are you looking for new songs? Or oldies but goodies? Do you like instrumental?

    Eluvium is fantastic.

    I do enjoy Lady Gaga for the pure theatrics of it all. Bad Romance is addictive.

    Regina Spektor

    Sarah McLachlan has a new album coming out this summer which I will buy.

    Tegan and Sarah.

    anything by Celine Dion! haha (kidding) except for I'm Alive from the Stuart Little soundtrack. ;)

    A FINE FRENZY is great! She's a singer/songwriter based out of LA.

    I haven't a CD in a while.
