Tuesday, September 14, 2010

1405 - I Saw the Devil

Anyone who likes Asian horror-thrillers will eat this up. It starts with quite an intense bang. The one thing that I find is better overseas in horror is the emotion behind it, and it's there in spades at the beginning of this film. Here's the gist of what it's about:
A man's wife is killed by a sadistic serial killer, so he hunts him down and when he catches him, instead of killing him, he decides to play with him the way a cat does a mouse - hurting him, releasing him, hurting some more, until the mouse figures out how to get away from the cat.
Sound interesting? It is. And despite it's two and a half hour length, it moves along at a pretty good clip. If gore bothers you, you may well wish to avoid this one. It's the kind of film that people will either love or hate, and I bet dollars to doughnuts that we're going to see a North American remake in the near future.

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