Thursday, March 10, 2011

1531 - Modern Family: season one

I was slightly late to this show, but then caught up quickly, but somehow managed to miss the final handful of episodes until just now.  There are a bunch of shows that I did that too that I need to get back to - not out of lack of quality in the shows - just life stuff.  And every now and then I try to work on my own projects instead of just basking in the glory of others :)
Every network and cable station is looking for another version of this show right now - and who can blame them?  I think that the heart of every television is about a family - biological or not - and this one is literally - but there's lots of fun to the way it's been modernized.  It's also worth noting that this series has no less than ten regulars - granted the kids aren't always in the spotlight, that still leaves a lot of characters to fill in the thirty minutes each story - and what this series does really well is finding ways to put the odd groupings together.  I laugh often and hard while watching this.
If I'm honest the only issue I have with the series is it's half-ass use of the documentary format.  It's almost like it can't decide if it's a straight up series or if it's fly-on-the-way.  Every now and then they do a "look" to camera that suggests we've got cameras around, but that's about it.  I appreciate their use of interviews but only because they are often some of the funniest parts of the show.  So yeah, that drives me a little nuts - but I let it slide because the rest of it is so damn good.  Assuming that this show will run for a very long time I look forward to it.
Modern Family: The Complete First Season

1 comment:

  1. Love this show! I love when Gloria yells "JAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY". I sometime yell that name at my boyfriend and in that voice, and his name ISN'T Jay :)
