Friday, March 28, 2014

1972 - Girls: season three

I didn’t love the second season of this show - but I found this season to be back in fighting form, and probably at it’s strongest.  It’s lose, but we’re starting to see some serialization happening.  I guess my largest critique of this season would be the underuse of some of the supporting characters.  Don’t give me wrong, I love watching Hannah being a selfish twat as much as the next person - but I also really love checking in with the rest of the foresome.  And for a show about girls, the guys really do steal it for me, especially Adam Driver, who is enjoying being a break-out star, I imagine - and deservedly so.  I love how self aware this show is - and it really is the kind of thing that makes me jealous as a storyteller.  I think what Lena Dunham has done here is something a lot of us would love to be in the position to do - and I think she’s doing a bang-up job.  I’m very curious to see how the end of this season will resolve itself moving forward - but I’ll be there for sure.  If you haven’t started yet Season 1 is widely available - and while I don’t love Season 2 it’s worth blasting through to get back to the good stuff in this most recent season.

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