Saturday, May 10, 2008

1049 - Iron Man

I often find that right before or right after I go see a film that has a 'back-story' I'll read up a lot on it. And by back-story I really just mean that has a world outside of the film that it draws on. Obviously the character of Iron Man has been around for quite some time, it's origins being during the Vietnam War, so it's interesting enough for me already to see the modernization that's being done with the character and using the current climate of war as a back-drop.
I like all kinds of movies, and the kid in me loves me some popcorn flicks. As an origin film I enjoyed this. I didn't know much about the character going in and so I wasn't locked in to too much prior to this, but I liked it and I think that it'll be interesting to see where the franchise goes after this film. Seeing how it made 100+ million in it's opening weekend it's safe to say they'll get at least a trilogy out of it. It's almost nice in that they don't have really well known villains like other comic book characters so they can really take the character anywhere they want to go, even though you're gonna piss off the geeks one way or another.

What really surprised me the most about the film was the chemistry between Paltrow and Downey. I look forward to seeing where they take it in the next installment.

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