Friday, May 30, 2008

1061 - Gilmore Girls: season seven

Yes. I watch the Gilmore Girls. And you know what? I even like it. No. My wife does not force me to watch it. Did she force me to watch it at the beginning?..... maybe....
This show has been a trip from the beginning. It did this amazing thing with being able to combine this zany over-the-top comedy with a really heart-warming sensibility. I imagine this show walks a much finer line than the casual viewer notices. It's a gem.
So it's over. I'm OK with that. I'm a big fan of closure and things having an end. This show was starting to run the risk of going a little past it's welcome and it saved itself from that. It started with a woman who wanted to give her daughter amazing opportunities, and that's how it ended - with Lorelai sending Rory off into the world.
For you non-Gilmore fans there was a showrunner (person that oversees the series) switch between the last season and this one, and I'll admit it felt like a rocky start, but they pulled it off in spades. I'm not sure what the original showrunner, Amy Sherman, had planned for this season, but you know what? I don't care. This season almost had a new energy, characters were rejuvenated and even used better than they have been in the past. I really enjoyed it.
Now the only problem is that my wife and I have to find a new show to watch... good thing we've got a wide selection...

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