Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bully (Wii)

I just finished playing this game last night. It's pretty sweet. To give you a quick summary it's Grand Theft Auto in a prep school, but the prep school is like the old-school Australia, back when it was a country that only criminals got shipped to. Who are you up against? EVERYONE! Which at first is a pain in the ass since you're trying to learn the game controls and avoid getting your ass-kicked at the same time.
It's smart too. For weapons you have a sling-shot, itching powder, stink bombs, etc.... There are classes that are mini-games, but also help you to upgrade skills, etc...
To regenerate your health you either drink soda or kiss girls. As the game progresses more girls become interested in you.
The story and world of the game are quite big, it's taken me over a month to complete the game, albeit I've only played it here and there - but I'd say that there's easily 40+ hours of game play in here. The characters are great and the dialogue is pretty well written for a video game. Some of the tasks are a bit repetitive but not so much that I wanted to stop playing. Wii isn't known for it's graphics, but they're fine here, and there's no lag except when changing some locations (you get used to it). My biggest complaint, but it's a nice realistic touch, is that it's time sensitive in that there is a real time in the world. If you stay up to 2am you automatically pass out from fatigue whether you're in a mission or not.
If you like first-person games I'd recommend it. There's a multi-player option but I haven't toyed with it yet.
Here's a link to the trailer for the game, since that's what originally got me interested. I think that there's actually a movie or TV shoe in here.

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