Tuesday, July 01, 2008

1072 - Hancock

This was easily one of the films that I was looking forward to the most. What a great premise, maybe the best original premise that I've seen so far this year, which is why it's even sadder, when in the second half of this film it kind of gets away from itself and loses it's way.
I'm not going to mention too much since I saw it in an advanced screening and don't want to ruin anything.
The actors are fine, really good actually, just not enough though to save this film from itself in the final act. The film takes a bit wide turn about halfway through, and it's a lovely twist, but it just forces the film to get more and more complicated, especially at a point in the film where we should be getting excited and it's moving further along. In addition to this Berg (the director) doesn't seem to be able to find the right tone for the film and sadly drifts back and forth between them, making it even more confusing.
I did I like it? Yeah, I guess. Would I recommend it? If you were already excited to see it, please, by all means, go. If you're on the fence then wait for DVD.

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