Sunday, August 17, 2008

1106 - Death Proof

I never got around to seeing this in the theaters along side Planet Terror, so I'm just getting to it now. I realize that the DVD version I'm watching is longer than the theatrical cut, but good goddamn if this film wasn't the biggest cock tease of all time. Everyone knows Tarantino writes great dialogue. But to make me sit through it for FOREVER with no real story or motivation to anything gets a bit trying. The two car sequences in this film really are fantastic, but are they worth the wait? I don't think so. If I ever revisit this film it'll be for those scenes only since the rest was the longest, slowest foreplay ever.
Whatever, I'm sure that Quentin has amused himself for whatever reason, and so hopefully now he'll focus his talent on a proper film and not this geek-masturbatory garbage. I wasn't disappointed because I wasn't expecting much, but this was a shit-sandwich. Unless you're a die-hard QT fan, don't waste your time.

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