Friday, September 26, 2008

1133 - Burn After Reading

I've been excited for this film for quite some time. The story idea sounded wonderful, especially with the promise of the Coen's doing the execution. The early set pictures of Pitt in a bike helmet and suit were confusing in the way that makes you geek-giddy about what it could possibly mean.
I like the Coens. However I also believe that they're the kind of filmmakers who could care less about what their audience wants and expects. They make movies for themselves and if we like them too, that's just icing on their cake. That being said I found myself bored with this. None of the characters were that likable in any way that made me want to root for them. There's some shocks, but they're carefully planted. Sure we get our big starts playing goofy over-the-top characters, but as we learned with their 'The Ladykillers' that doesn't always make for a good film.
A disappointment for sure. I can't even recommend a rental on this unfortunately.

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