Friday, October 03, 2008

1136 - Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

I haven't seen this film in years but I've been trying to look at rivalry films, especially comedies, for research. This is one of the great ones. It still feels fresh, funny, and smart even after 20 years. I can't imagine this film with another cast, especially with the original cast they were thinking for this of Mick Jagger and David Bowie. What a different film that would have been.
Didn't realize until looking at the trivia on that this is a remake of a Brando/Niven film Bedtime Stories. I'm going to keep my eyes open for that film.
Lots of funny, lots of twists and turns. I'll have to pick up the DVD at some point, although my VHS tape of this is still holding up. I see that this film has spawned a musical, and perhaps a second remake. Could be interesting. I can never pass up a con film, especially a comedy.

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