Friday, October 31, 2008

1148 - Saw

I'm not really a horror person. When this first film came out, I really dug it. Watched it over and over again, and I still enjoy the series. Hell, I'll watch them as long as they keep making them. For what they are, they're enjoyable. The moral logic is a bit skewed, but that's not really the point. The films have fun with their plot twists and that's what really keeps people coming back. It's interesting that after this one they didn't both trying to get any name actors. I love that now, after the fifth film, we still don't know what happened to Dr. Gordon. Perhaps we never will. Considering how cheap and fast this film was made it's pretty impressive. Gordon's make-up is godawful, but that's the only low budget tell-tale sign in the whole piece.

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