Friday, November 07, 2008

1153 - Gone Baby Gone

I was not prepared for how good this film is. A seriously masterful first film. Hell, it'd be a masterful fourth, fifth, or sixth film. I can't say enough about the cast. They all feature in this film so effortlessly and they belong in this world. Even Monaghan, who is a radiant beauty, just feels like a regular girl next door here and shows that she wants to build a career as an actress, not a star. Amy Ryan, god, what good can't you say about her? Fucking fantastic. This film has a great story and it keeps you thinking, keeps you guessing, it twists, it turns, but not in the sake of a 'ha ha, I fooled you' moment, but all in the sake of a great moral dilemma that stays with you long after the film has finished. Brutal, honest, and real. Great filmmaking.

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