Saturday, November 29, 2008

1165 - Into The Wild

I remember the first time I noticed Emile Hirsch in "The Girl Next Door" and knowing that this kid has a great future ahead of him if he picks the right roles. He has. A great role at a great time for him. The film is beautifully shot, I can't even imagine what kind of effort that would take to make a film like this. Vedder's score is beautiful as well. It's an engaging story worth watching. One of those beautifully tragic stories where he touches everyone he meets and learns, only too late, his greatest lesson.
Too late he learned that the hard part isn’t walking toward the wilderness to discover the meaning of life. The hard part is returning from the consolations of nature and finding meaning anyway, a meaning lodged within the faithfulness of our ordinary lives, in the plain and painful beauty of our ordinary days.
-Sherry Simpson

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