Sunday, January 11, 2009

1187 - Fargo

I haven't watched this in a long time and decided that since my wife is about the same level of pregnancy that Marge is in the film, now would be a good a time as any to show it to her. I find that I'm enjoying the Coen's films a little less as I get older and discover a deeper world of cinema. I think what the Coen's do really well is strong characters and interesting premises and set-ups, but that after a certain point their stories just lose a little steam. I think their films suffer because of it. In the end I'm no longer wowed, perhaps because I've seen them over and over, but I'm just left with a bit of a 'meh' feeling . I really enjoy Fargo because of the world and the characters. If you haven't seen this film, you really should. It's one of the Coen's best films. I'm a little worried to re-visit some of the other Coen films I used to love for fear that they'll be deminished. Alas.

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