Saturday, May 23, 2009

1229 - Sunshine Cleaning

There's a lot to like about this film. It's the kind of film where the actors are so wonderful, it looks so nice, and there's some great things going on that you almost ignore the problems it does have.
Like I said - great cast. Love Alan Arkin. Adore the shit out of Amy Adams, and I find Emily Blunt to be just plain wonderful. It's a simple story, and a nice one. But in the end it just feels a bit... lazy? I kept wanting the story to take me along further, deeper in some aspect. A lot of the films resolutions are over-looked, under-thought, or edited out completely. I realize life doesn't wrap up things in a nice little bow - but at least give me an emotional closer. By not letting certain storylines play out a bit longer I think they shortchanged themselves. It's still a really good enjoyable film, it's just not "great" - which I think it could have been. I feel like I'm being harsh, and it's not my intention - I legitimately enjoyed the film while watching - some laugh out loud moments, a really hard-hitting emotional one. I just think that this film won't stand the test of time when it comes to my influences.

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