Thursday, July 23, 2009

TUWOPS: The casting (almost) begins…

We’re a little more than a month away from principal photography and things are gearing up nicely. I think I’m always going to have this little nagging feeling like there’s something else I can or should be doing. Yesterday I got my production binder started, which gave me great pleasure. I don’t know why, but I really really enjoy buying office supplies and organizing things. And I feel better knowing that I’ll always have all the information I need by my side while running around and doing all of the other things that need to be done. Later this afternoon we’re doing a little bit of location scouting for two of our more important locations. Of our fifteen day shoot we’re in different locations almost every day, so there’s a lot of places to find.
The other main element that’s finally getting underway is the casting. I’m proud to announce that we’ve cast two of our leads.
Kris Holden-Reid as Paul:

I’ve never worked with Kris before but I’ve enjoyed his work thus far. You may remember him from his role in the first season of The Tudors. He’s a solid force of an actor and has an amazing resume that will only grow. If this movie was Thanksgiving Dinner, Kris will be bringing the turkey to the table. We’re going to meet up next week and I’m very much looking forward to it.
The other cast member I’m proud to announce is Mary Krohnert as Sam:

I’ve known Mary for many years as both a friend and an actor. In fact it was due to my wife’s suggestion of looking at her for this part that I met her husband Anthony, the film’s producer. Over the years I’ve workshopped this script and held several public readings and Mary has always been a favorite. I couldn’t imagine making this film without her. If anything good comes out of this film, I hope it’s that Mary gets recognized for the wonderful actor that she is.

So that’s it for now. Next week we’re in auditions so I’ll have more casting news to announce in the very near future.

1 comment:

  1. i wish i was there. i wanna come to the audition!

    the two actors look and sound great

    (and i also love buying office supplies...)
