Friday, September 04, 2009

1261 - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Despite the fact that I had this poster on my wall for years as a teenager, this is the first time I've ever seen this. Had to watch something while bringing footage for the film in, and this was on the pile. Gotta be honest. It was just a little 'meh'. It's hard to judge something thirty-years later. And it's not really fair to. I mean, in terms of technique and effects it stands up. I just felt that the film was a bit sluggish and I'm not quite sure that I got the point of it. That we're not alone, that we have to follow our instincts? Perhaps.

I wish I'd seen this when I was young, I could give it a better chance. I'm sure there's something there that I missed, but I found myself nodding off during that long end sequence with the ship landing. Oh well. Can't love 'em all!

1 comment:

  1. I think we've just been over-bombarded with aliens. Personally, i love this movie, Dryfus is awesome, but i saw it many many years ago for the first time. . . . . .
    Add twenty years of Steven King ending all his "mysteries" with aliens and i can see how the final reveal in 3rd kind would seem pretty redundant.
