Tuesday, September 01, 2009

TUWOPS: Day Eight

So here we are. Over the hump. Eight days in. Sixty-five pages shot. Seven days left. Still going strong. Today we through caution to the wind and shot with not only a child, but with an animal as well, and it couldn’t have gone smoother. Granted, neither had to do anything special or had major cues, but neither through a wrench into the day either.

So today was the film debut of my son, Ephraim. This is him here with our production designer, Meaghan Lynch.

I won’t be uploading any new footage shots until probably Friday, so you’ll have to settle with some shots from my phone until then. Through-out post I’ll also upload some stills from production as well.

Today had Tricia Braun and Pat Mastroianni joining us. Both lovely, both perfect. We wouldn’t be shooting as many pages a day as we are without the amazing cast we’ve got. And it’s not like we’re doing one or two takes only. In fact, I can probably count on one hand the time we’ve done less than four. I’d say that we average at least seven or eight. And that’s due to technical requirements. It’s one thing for an actor to remember all their cues, but another thing entirely for a camera operator, but ours, Zach, has been kicking ass and taking names. The look of this film is a character all it’s own.

That’s it. Early start tomorrow.

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