Thursday, October 22, 2009

TUWOPS - Final role cast & screening prep

But wait... didn't we wrap shooting at the beginning of September??? How could we possibly have cast another role? Are we re-shooting?! Nope.
The majority of the film is scene through the lens of a camera operator named Phil who we (almost) never see, and so it's a voice only role. We always had a pretty good idea of who we'd use and we were always just going to wait until the final sound mixing to record it, but right now I'm using my own voice as temp and holy shit does it suck - so we brought David Tompa (pictured above - sorry Dave, love that pic and I couldn't resist) in to do a temp track early. So kudos to Dave for doing that for me this morning. And a huge thank you to Mr. Stew Horsley for letting me use his home studio/tool shed to do it in. I think having an actual actor do the read makes all the difference in the world, and now I no longer have to cringe when those sections in the film come up.
So tomorrow night we're doing a test screening of the film with an audience of around forty people. As far as I know none of them have much or any knowledge of the film's story so hopefully we'll get a good idea of how it's playing to a fresh audience. At any rate it's one step further along. I know that some filmmakers have a love/hate relationship with test screenings, but I think they're essential. At some point you just need to step away and see what others think. I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. I hate you Jer. With all my heart. That picture should be burned and I don't mean onto a DVD.
