Monday, January 04, 2010

1304 - Star Trek

I'm not a Trekie. In fact I think, maybe that I watched a few episodes of Next Generation when I was a kid and that was ONLY because the guy from Reading Rainbow was on it. I'm familiar with the characters enough and somewhat of the storyline just from pop culture, and so I'm not locked down to stuff like fanboys are. So I loved what they did with the time travel storyline. The way they were able to honor the original timeline in a way while keeping themselves completely free to do whatever they want. Like a get-out-of-jail card. Really clever.
So not a whole lot to say except it was a fun little ride. It's not going to make me want to go out and start from the beginning and watch all the Star Trek that's out there (I can't even imagine how long that would take) but it is an entertaining film and I'll check out the inevitable sequel for sure.


  1. Yep, even some diehard trekkies couldn't help but love this one. I've seen more trek than you, because you're married and had less break ups than I did. For that same reason, I think I've seen more CSI than anyone in my peer group. Nonetheless, this was an amazing movie. Such fun and not only a get-out-of-jail-free-card for JJ but a reimagining that actually works! Loves.

  2. When this cast gets old, they'll need another new generation. There are still plenty of in-between decades they can also time travel jump to!
