Friday, January 22, 2010

Irredeemable #1

So to cleanse my palette between editions of LXG (that's right, I'm using the crappy movie's acronym for 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and now I've written it out fully, rendering the acronym pointless... alas...) I've decided to dig into this, relatively new, comic series.

So above is a small sample of what it's about, in a way. Here's the pitch for the series: "One day Superman wakes up and says "Fuck you" to the world and goes from being the world's greatest hero to the world's greatest villain. The writer's thesis statement is that it's essentially insane to assume that everyone who is give super-powers is emotionally stable enough to be able to handle them. There are only two books in the series so far, so I'll probably read the other right away (it's a quick read and goddamn addictive).

So yeah, I've been on a major comic bend lately, and will probably continue to be for the near future as I have a seemingly unlimited resource coming in through a story editor I'm working with on a television series. So I'm taking advantage of the resource while the project lasts. Once I've completed the re-edit of my film I'll get back into watching movies on a more regular basis - which could be sooner rather than later.

So the short of it is that this is a great book with promise for a great series. I'm interested to see how they'll sustain this idea in the long run.

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