Sunday, February 07, 2010

TUWOPS - The Re-Edit is (pretty much) complete!

Huzzah! Just for a slight re-cap for those who didn't know, our house was broken into on Christmas Day, and with the rest of our loot, they stole the majority of my editing suite, including all my hard-drives and back-ups. Which, as you might guess, included my film. Luckily they never saw any value in stealing my HD tapes, so I still had the original footage - but that's about it. So despite having almost no time, I was able to re-edit the film in a little over a month thanks to help from A LOT of people with BIG HEARTS. From loaning me cameras to re-dig the footage, to recreating art work, tracking down photos, digitizing footage, music, etc... it certainly took a village to re-edit this child, but here we are - nearing the finish line. The only things outstanding are two photo graphs that I've been putting off taking since we wrapped production, and a little graphic thing that needs to be done, but might just be done when we online the film. Also underway is the scoring of the film. I recently put a facebook request for people to submit songs from musician friends for our closing-credit song - and we're narrowing down the list (thanks for all the submissions!).
So now we just need to organize the rest of our post and finish this film. Really excited to do a cast and crew screening. Also we'll be probably gearing up with a website of some kind in the near future - as well as a sneak-preview trailer of the film. We're still submitting to festivals so keep checking back here for news of when and where it'll be screening in the next few months. The festivals in the US are kind of a crap shoot, and all the big Canadian ones don't start up to the late summer/fall, so it might be a little while till an official public screening.
So thanks again to everyone who helped make this re-edit possible so quickly. Even if it was just your kind words and thoughts. It helped a lot!

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