Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Ultimates 2 Vol 1: Gods & Monsters

What a bizarre naming structure that Marvel has for this series. It's like this is a sequel to the first book, or they're setting it up much like you would a television series. Bizarre.
Either way, I continue to enjoy this. There's a term that I quite enjoy that I've learned from a friend of mine (and supplier of comics) Scott, that sometimes things are just hallways to get you somewhere. They aren't amazing, but they're necessary. This book is a bit of a hallway, I think. There's a lot of set-up going on, which looking at their naming structure makes sense. According to Scott he series goes to hell after the next book, so I've at least got that to look forward to. I'll finish it up soon to clear some space in my subway reading for Jack of Fables (and then the new Fables!)
So not the best book of the series, but that isn't to say that there isn't some really really wonderful things going on in here. Some devastating actually. I feel bad calling it a hallway. It's better than a hallway. How about... a corridor. Does that sound better.
So again, I'm not a big fan of the big heroes - but this is changing my mind at a rapid pace.

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