Friday, March 26, 2010

1326 - 2012

Can't say that this was on my 'to see' list, but it dropped into my lap and so I thought what the hell - despite the fact that there's a stack of films that I really want to see sitting on my coffee table I decided that this would be a good background film while doing my taxes. And I was right.
It's exactly what you expect, a bunch of set pieces strung together by a predictable and emotionally manipulative story. You can pretty much figure out how most of the stories are going to play out. Whose going to make it, who probably won't, etc...
The destruction scenes are a sight to behold. The getaway in the limo is beyond unrealistic, but whatever. I'll buy it for the kind of film that this is. What do you expect walking into this?
So it's not a horrible film, it's just not a very good one if you're looking for a story with strong themes and characters. It's the same old cliched. Although no one fucks with the White House better than Roland.
See it if you like explosions and set pieces, avoid it if you're looking for character work. Hope the actors enjoyed their hefty paychecks, I can't imagine that they did it for any other reason (and that's not to diss them - I'd do a film like this for a hefty pay check too!)

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