Tuesday, March 30, 2010

1329 - The Wayward Cloud

This is, without a doubt, the absolute worst film that I have ever wasted my touch watching. It's an absolute piece of shit. And I don't say that lightly. It's pretentious and it believes that using graphic sexuality can pass for content, or at least keep you entertained. My God, I can't even begin to express how awful this film is. There's no content, no story, no conflict. Half the time the director sets a camera up and just the most mundane thing happens and it takes forever. The rest of the time he's doing over-the-top musical numbers to amuse - himself?
Please please please, watching grass grow is a better use of your time than this film. I promise you.
I've decided to add on to this, after having talked with my good friend whom recommended and loaned this film to me. However small, there is definitely an audience for this film- the technical filmmaking itself is good. It looks good. The acting is good. My over all issue was that, I didn't care about the characters, or their story. It was a slow moving vehicle that made mildly amusing pit-stops, and that's the best that I can say about it.
So if you're up for this sort of thing, you probably will actually enjoy it. I still stand by my utter dislike of it, but I withdraw me previous statement telling people to avoid it like the plague. Perhaps just avoid it like a bad case of the gout.

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