Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TUWOPS - The Online is Complete!

Huzzah! We're in the final stages of finishing the film. We just finished the online this afternoon. So for you less film-techy people that's the stage where you take the edited picture and correct/improve the colouring, or general look of the visuals, and do effects, credits, etc… So thanks to some generous and amazing work by Optix Digital Pictures and Mark Driver we have finished that stage, and now we just need to finish the audio portion of the film, which including cleaning up the production audio (which was pretty clean to begin with) and then adding the score (which is underway as we speak) and then the final mix of the sound. Very exciting!

Also, I should take this time to announce the official soundtrack bands that are in our film. In alphabetical order particular order:

Amy Millan
The Betty Whites
Los Campesinos!
Lost & Profound
The Most Serene Republic
Timber Timbre
The Weepies

I really can't wait to start showing this film to people. I'm extremely proud of it!

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