Wednesday, April 21, 2010

1336 - Everyone Says I Love You

I've been giving my assistant films to watch over the last few months (she's racked up an impressive list - I'll try to post it when we're finished working on the show together) and she's shown a particular liking to Woody Allen, and so I've been more than happy to oblige her.
I haven't seen this film in years, and despite having a stack of new stuff to watch, I really felt like revisiting it.
I know some of these old songs, but a lot I'd never heard until I saw this film for the first time. An interesting piece of trivia I recently learned is that Woody didn't tell any of the actors that they were going to be appearing in a musical until after they'd signed their contacts. And what a cast it is. From Goldie to Julia to Edward to Drew to Tim Roth, and even a young Natalie Portman. There are many more, and all do a pretty good job in their singing roles (although Drew is dubbed).
I love that Woody isn't beyond shaking it up with something like this. It's ambitious and yet lovely. Full of some really wonderful moments. No one can say that Woody doesn't put himself out there and take risks. Let's hope for many more films from him.

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