Thursday, April 08, 2010

The Unwritten #1: Tommy Taylor and the Bogus Identity

I was given this to read by the provider of most of my comic trades because he knows of my Fables love (Willingham writes the foreword here) and it's written by the same guys that did Lucifer (a series I own quite a few trades of, but have yet to read). It's interesting, and I say that in the kindest possible way. It's a lit-geek's way of taking a bit of a piss on lit-fiction, but also on the world of lit-fiction including it's fans, cultists, etc…
And the execution is good - there's a lot to like in here, in particular there's a great scene in which a book club discusses the construction of a good horror story and someone says "We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves." I starred at that sentence for quite a long while and marvelled in it's complex and yet simple nature. What's interesting about this series is that, I imagine, it will be a deconstruction of the craft of writing - the behind the scenes, and for that reason alone I think I'll stick around to continue to see what they do with that. The story and characters have yet to grab me and suck me in completely, but the world and ideas fascinate me enough to give it another trade. And being how fresh this series is, it might be awhile before that. Which is fine - I have no shortage of things to read.

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