Sunday, May 02, 2010

1341 - New Moon

Over the last half year or so myself and our story-editor have been piling films on my assistant to watch, and in that time she's watched an assload of films (over 80 at the very least - I'll post the list sometime in the near future). And as retribution for watching all of those film she's insisting that I watch the 'Twilight' films, this being the latest.
I have a few gripes with this film. First is that they lack chemistry in the love stories. There isn't any. It's pretty flat and boring. And not a lot happens - all that does happen is we're introduced to the idea of werewolves and the hierarchy of the vampires. And the writer just lays on thick what she would LOVE to be parallels to Romeo & Juliet, which only serves to show how poor a version of that this is. The film is slow, twice as long as it should be. And they handle exposition pretty horribly. If my assistant drops the third film on me when it hits DVD I'll probably check it out - lord knows why. Although I could go either way. It's a very 'meh' film for me.

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