Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Astonishing X-Men #3 - Torn

This series continues to get more and more interesting. Of my limited knowledge of this world I knew absolutely nothing of Emma Frost or the Hellfire club, so I feel looking into that might have made this a richer read. Other than that it continues to be a really entertaining series. They had a lot of fun in this trade with messing with the X-Men's minds, seeing Wolverine reduced to the state of an English Schoolboy was quite a delight. And the relationship between Kitty and Peter is quite lovely. There's a really great moment where she loses control of her power mid-coitus.
There's one more book left in this series, and then I think I'm going to take a short break from reading comics, mostly just because I owe several people notes on scripts, so I need to focus on that for a little bit. I've got Sandman lined up, which is one of my major gaps when it comes to classic comic series.

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