Tuesday, May 18, 2010

TUWOPS - Preview Screening!

Last night we had our preview screening of the finished film. I'm not sure of the final headcount, but I know that well over three hundred people RSVP'd. Filled with cast, crew, friends, family, and some other people along the way.
It was a rush to see it in a theatre as beautiful as The Royal. A lot of people asked me if I was nervous going into the screening, and I wasn't. Not really. Mostly because, unlike a play when things can go horribly wrong, the film was finished - if people didn't like it at this point there wasn't much I could do. I made the film that I set out to make, and I'm really happy and proud of it. The best compliments I recieved last night when was a few people, individually, told me that they saw themselves up on the screen, and that it affected them. And that's the best compliment it gets. To know that you've told a story that other people feel connected to. As a filmmaker I don't think that you can ask for much more.
So if you came last night - thank you very much! I hope you enjoyed it. And if you're still waiting to see it - hopefully we'll have some exciting news in the upcoming weeks and months. We're just starting to submit to festivals and we won't start hearing back on whether we get in or not until mid-to-end of summer.

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