Friday, June 11, 2010

1355 - Hannah and Her Sisters

Yes. I've got a stack of films I haven't seen just sitting here, staring at me. Taunting me. But the heart wants what the heart wants. And being that I'm being that I'm gearing up to write a draft of an ensemble comedy, the heart wanted this. I can think of few better films in the ensemble category that work as well as this one does, that's full of so many great characters and great performances, and smart, wonderful one liners:
How the hell do I know why there were Nazi's? I can't even make the can opener work.

If Jesus came back and saw what was going on in his name, he would never stop throwing up.

"What if there is no God? What if you only go around once? Don't you want to be part of the experience?
The blend of comedy with heart, simplistic, yet stylistic shooting - Woody is in a league of his own. He's always, and continues to be, one of primary influences. I can't believe how long it's been since I've watched this film, but he's got so many great ones...

I absolutely adore this film and I'm so glad I revisited it at this juncture. If you haven't seen this and you're a fan of smart, funny, and warm films - get your ass to the video store. Better yet - buy it.

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