Friday, July 02, 2010

1361 - Up in the Air

When I saw this in the theatre I remember sitting there a bit in awe as the credits began to roll. I had no idea what to expect, and I was just really really happy with the journey I'd just been on, and I was really surprised, in the following weeks, to see how split people were on this film. And I think it comes down to this - it's a film about a lifestyle choice, and depending on your views on solidarity Vs. family, etc... I think it effects you differently, and rightfully so. I think it's so interesting that a lot of people leave this film thinking that Ryan is the same person he was at the beginning. I think it's in a way subtle, but I personally think he's gone through an amazing change. He'll never be the same for better or worse. Reitman does an interesting thing in his films and it's been consistent throughout - he makes films about questionable heroes, and he pairs them up with lovely people, and then, just when you start to wonder how much you like the hero, he does a shift, and the lovely person is revealed to be, in some way, morally bankrupt. *SPOILER ALERT*, in "Thank You For Smoking" it's Katie Holmes, in "Juno" it's Jason Bateman, and here... well I won't say, despite the spoiler alert, 'cause if you've seen the film you know the slap-in-the-face I'm talking about.
I still really enjoy this film, and wait in anticipation to see what's next for Jason Reitman.

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