Sunday, July 11, 2010

1369 - Fanboys

I think any movie geek of a certain age has a recollection of their expectations and anticipations for The Phantom Menace. So this is ripe for a good film story. And it almost has one. The idea that one of their gang isn't going to live long enough to see the film is a really good motivator for them to break into the Skywalker Ranch to steal a print of the film. But when you bring The Big C into a film, you've gotta deal with it - at least a bit. The guy who is, apparently months away from death, looks fine, acts fine, you wouldn't know there is anything wrong with him. And this bugs the shit out of me. I'm not saying go super heavy with it, but do it or don't, you know?
I enjoyed the film, I did - it was fun - but I felt like their obstacles could have been a lot bigger. A little better. I wanted to get the feeling like this might not actually happen for them. As always, I loved Jay Baruchel, and even cast in a role that's stereotypical to his appearance, he shines. Seth Rogen has a fun double role in here that I won't spoil, but what I'm really happy about this is how much I love Kristen Bell the more that I see her. She reminded me of a lot of old girlfriends in this - geeky, cute, feisty. As you're supposed to, I absolutely loved her here.

So it's not a great film by any means, but it's enjoyable enough to check out if you're a Star Wars fan, and especially if, like I did, put any effort into trying to see Phantom Menace on opening night.

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