Friday, July 23, 2010

1377 - Date Night

I liked the premise of this film as soon as I'd heard it. Simple. Fun. Had an Adventures in Babysitting sort of vibe to it. I always thought that Steve Carrell and Tina Fey should team up together, so their pairing got me extra excited. I went into this film just wanting it to be fun and give me some laughs, and it did it's job. There is a set piece in the middle involving a high end car with a taxi that is pretty fantastic. The film is littered with really lovely cameos from some great actors that I adore, including the lovely Mr. Mark Ruffalo, Whalberg, and James Franco. I think that there was some pretty realistic issues in terms of couples that are together long term, and how do you keep it going - and I bought that these two had gotten into friend zone a little too deep. I don't think, however, that they got too far over that by the end. I think they could have gone a little further with the before and after picture of their relationship.
All in all I think it's a fun little film, and I think Fey and Carrell should do more films together (and if you're their agent, give me a shout 'cause I've got a great one for them...)

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