Thursday, July 22, 2010


I picked this book up on a whim the other day while at the Beguiling for the Scott Pilgrim event. I discovered Hope Larson through her husband Bryan Lee O'Malley's work and given how this is set out east (I have a particular fondness for eastern Canada) I picked it up. Quite different from her husbands work, but you can sort of see how they might influence one another.
It's a sweet, somewhat haunting story, that juxtaposes two stories separated by about 150 years. I'm curious as to what inspired Hope to write this book, perhaps living in Nova Scotia for a while and hearing some old stories from the area. I think I wanted a slightly strong sense of what was going on internally with the characters, I felt a bit more detached than I thought I would - like I was experiencing the story rather than being brought into it. Not that it's a bad thing.
I'm looking forward to diving into Hope's other work to get a greater sense of her. I have a feeling that I'm going to like what I find.

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