Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The Universe

I. Love. This. Book. Seriously - I remember the first time I read it, sitting quietly in my chair afterwards, realizing that I'd just had my socks blown off. There is this slight shift in tone in this book. Scott is growing up, he's getting his shit together, and suddenly it's not just the external forces of the evil ex-boyfriends that he has to worry about, but the internal problems that arise with any relationship where you've been with someone long enough for the sheen to wear off, and then you're face to face with the real, actual person.
Without ruining anything, this volume is heartbreaking and beautiful amidst the usual goofiness and hilarity. I can't believe I've waited as long as I have for the final volume. One more week.

One more week...

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