Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1382 - Hitch

I'm a fan of most things romantic-comedy. It's a genre I like to write in, it's the stories that I often gravitate to. But when they're done poorly, I just have to shake my head. I'm really sorry to all involved in this project - I know it made an ass load of money, but... really? It's just... kinda bad. The plotting is, to be kind, a bit obvious, and the dialogue is either on-the-nose in terms of story or thematic points, or way over written in how clever it wants to be. And it was miscast. I love Will Smith, but the only person that seems right in this film is Kevin. Everyone else felt a bit awkward and out of place, and the chemistry was lacking between both sets of love interests. This was an interesting concept, but I felt like the execution wasn't quite there.
I hate being overly cruel to films, but this one I just couldn't get behind. Sorry film team.

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