Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1384 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

So let's get the good over with. This is a story inspired by geek-lore and it's a tribute to it. Wright does wonderfully amazing things with the visuals. I don't even know where I'd start in terms of making a film as visually stunning as this. Hiring a top-of-the-line effects team to start, I suppose. The mash-ups of visual styles and music are really quite something. There are some great sequences where I found myself tapping my foot to the beat, or laughing out loud.

And now the bad. I tried to go into this film with low expectations, given my love for the source material, I knew that there would have to be a great deal of editorial, and there was. I'm fine with that. It's waaaaay too much story to cram into one film, so kudos to the team for even trying. My main beef with this film is that, to me, it didn't hit the emotional tone that the books have in spades. And even worse, I never cared about Scott & Ramona's relationship. It felt superficial, like an after thought, and their chemistry was, to be kind, a tad on the weak side. Which is sad because this whole film is supposed to be about them fighting for the ability to be together, but I feel like we just rush over the whole bit about why we're supposed to care if they are.

It's visually stunning, Wright does some amazing things in regards to that. It's chock full of some really stellar transitions as well. I wish I could erase my knowledge of the books and see the film with fresh eyes, but I can't. I still recommend seeing it, especially if you live in Toronto. I'm not jumping up and down raving about this film like I hoped I'd be, but it's enjoyable nontheless, and visually inspiring. Shame about the heart factor. I'm hoping for a packed DVD release! Looking forward to listening to the Creative Screenwriting podcast!

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