Tuesday, August 31, 2010

1387 - Amelie

It's hard to believe that this film is almost a decade old now. It makes me feel old. When this film came out I was in film school, and it was kind of in the middle of nowhere, so if we wanted to see films that weren't the usual fare, we'd have to either drive to Toronto, or one of the art house cinemas in Waterloo or Hamilton. Those were great roadtrips, and we'd often do double, sometimes triple bills. At the time, I saw this film nine times. That's how much I loved it. This was just as DVD was starting to explode, and films stayed in the theatres a little longer, and there was more of a lag before they came out for home purchase. I took everyone I could to go see this film. Audrey Tautou is flawless in this film. I love her to pieces, and she breaks my heart with her performance. This film is full of lovely ideas, comic gems, and general genuine heart. This is Jeunet as his absolute finest, and it's the kind of film that inspires you endlessly. If you've never seen this film you absolutely have to. It's must-see-cinema.

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