Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Film Fest Tour: Day 8

8:43am I actually slept in this morning! Which is good 'cause I was stupid tired last night. Headed down for the breakfast buffet, which is loaded with awesome, but a little pricey. Alas. Here's to treating yourself! And as part of it they bring you over a canteen full of coffee AND a take-out cup if you don't finish it. Now that's my kind of breakfast! By the time I got back to my room the little elves had already made my bed. Then I decided to catch up on some work I haven't had time to do.

4:44pm The screening at the University of Calgary went pretty well. The film played well and got a decent amount of laughs and then we had a really good discussion afterwards. It's been raining so now I'm just back checking in on some e-mail before I head off to meet up with Brenda, the head programmer for dinner. Then more movies…

11:53pm Had dinner with Brenda as well as Jennifer another programmer. What's been really great on this entire trip is getting to talk with programmers and other filmmakers and discuss not so much the art of film, but the business of it. This trip has been extremely valuable for that alone. Caught two films from the world cinema program At World's End and A Somewhat Gentle Man. Then headed straight to bed.

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