Sunday, October 31, 2010

1453 - Dead Like Me: Life After Death

I was a huge fan of this series and I was really excited when I'd heard about this - until I found out that Laura Harris and Mandy Patinkin weren't involved. I loved Ellen Muth in the series and I've always been surprised that she doesn't work more. Had a bit of a crush on her, I did.
In all honestly, I didn't really dig this. I felt like they didn't really tell the best possible story that they could have. This is a world that's just so damn rich in ideas and character and it just fell a bit flat. Britt McKillip was the highlight for me in this, and surprisingly so - she's really come into her own.
The series was such a treat that it feels like it's ended on such a down note filled with missed opportunities. I wasn't really expecting anything specific, but I was hoping for something a little better given what came before. If you're a die-hard fan of the series you probably owe it to yourself to check it out - but tread carefully...

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